@Bill the under the skin pimples, at least for me, are mainly hormonal. That’s where the water and diet come into play, make sure you’re getting vitamins.
The Clearasil wipes are a lifesaver for those pimples and they feel really relieving to apply to the painful ones.
Also, if you wear makeup, try and get a green color correcting powder and it minimizes the redness
@i like alex wolff okay cool! Could you send me a link to some clearasil wipes you recomend..? I dont wear makeup, want to, but to afraid to ask my mom😓
Your videos are so relaxing! I love watching them and could honestly watch them all day and not get bored. Your skin is so pretty and your videos are so aesthetic! Thank you for posting these great things! ❤
Your skin is gorgeous, It’s so clear and shiny! Good for you for putting that much effort to make yourself look even more beautiful.💗💗
Could you do a hello kitty themed skincare??? ♥️♥️♥️
Omg that’s a good idea!
Could you do your skincare in abc order, pls
Also your so pretty and your videos are really fun to watch🤩
Girl i started using a sponge to wash my face bc of your videos and over the last three weeks my acne has been going away 😭🙏🙏🙏🙏
@Bill the under the skin pimples, at least for me, are mainly hormonal. That’s where the water and diet come into play, make sure you’re getting vitamins.
The Clearasil wipes are a lifesaver for those pimples and they feel really relieving to apply to the painful ones.
Also, if you wear makeup, try and get a green color correcting powder and it minimizes the redness
@i like alex wolff okay cool! Could you send me a link to some clearasil wipes you recomend..? I dont wear makeup, want to, but to afraid to ask my mom😓
@Bill hey, ive tried sending the links through a reply two times but youtube isnt allowing links to be sent rn for some reason :/
@i like alex wolff ah its okay, I appreciate your help! Have an amazing day, or extended Christmas!!
@Bill you too!!
Hey! Love your channel so much and ahhhh it’s just so satisfying! I’ve literally been watching ur videos all morning😂 Your skin is gorgeous!
Cc fanny tu pourras faire ton rangement skin care voila bisous❤️
@Quandale Dingle I ddint mean it in that way
@no1 I don’t understand what you mean
@Quandale Dingle me either and my
First language is English lol
Looks like ur having a bad day
@• LowkeyGrace • Lmao
It really got me when the foam started falling and you tried to catch it with your mouth. Love your Chanel by the way❤❤
LOL I’m wheezing 😂 it’s kinda hard to believe how this girl messes up when her videos are so perfect
Can’t you see that it’s not bloopers but staged??
@Елена Грузинова obviously they are stages lol I’m just saying it’s hard to believe that she actually has bloopers when her videos look so perfect
@Елена Грузиноваidk bro. Maybe I’m just sleep deprived (which I am.) But I dont think anyone would break a nail for a fake video-
I just found you and I love you’re videos so much! Also you are so beautiful
Your videos are so relaxing! I love watching them and could honestly watch them all day and not get bored. Your skin is so pretty and your videos are so aesthetic! Thank you for posting these great things! ❤
POV : no one know she’s french
T démasqué Fanny 😂
Edit : Mama im famous !! 👁👄👁✨️
@⎯ 𝘉ad 𝘓isa 💗 de fou🤣
ouais et certains de ses produits ont des mots français dessus (je l’aime d’ailleurs ❤️)
Mdrrr grv
That is not whip cream
Türk varmı
The fact that the gasps for the bloopers are still ASMR 😂
The facial expression 😂😂😂
Omg this was really funny I can’t!!!! 😂
I always thought her videos were always perfect but it’s nice to know what really happens 😂
The way that she’s dropping everything😂😂
You skin is gorgepus, It’s so clear and shiny! Good for you for putting that much effort to make yourself look even more beautiful.💗💗
I like how on every mess up she has the same shirt on 😂
The first one makes me roll on the floor😂
I’ve never laughed so hard 😆