The director: “yeah we can’t add this scene in, children might get scared because of how much chest hair there is, I mean we got to keep this ✨FAmiLY FRieNdLy✨”
And the one waxing him is not a professionnal. She wanted to be in the movie so she pretented to know what she was doing. He almost lost a nipple because she didn’t know you’re supposed to apply vaseline before waxing this area.
If i ever own a movie studio imma try to give the actors half of a script of the character, allow them to improvise and continue the script from that improvise
Then repeat
The first one was even refferenced few times in the prequel trilogy, like when in clone wars captain rex hits his head badly because he didn’t see the porch through his helmet
Did you know that in Ep 2 Attack of the clones, Jango hits his head entering the slave 1 after fighting obi-wan kenobi. It shows that there are still some clones in the galactic empire.
Imagine if the chest waxing scene wasn’t good enough adn he had to regrow it and do it again
@Perish Mortal you needa wash dem nuts.
@Are you ’avin a laugh? Is he ’avin a laugh? they ain’t that stinky
Almost like as your credit card declining 😂
@Perish Mortal why you deleted that comment telling me to ”imagine deez nuts” on my face?
I Knew it was real because if you put attention he is bleeding from the pores after the heir is removed!!😅😅
The director: “yeah we can’t add this scene in, children might get scared because of how much chest hair there is, I mean we got to keep this ✨FAmiLY FRieNdLy✨”
Meanwhile Steve Carel: OOOHHHH YOU FU-
What? Didn’t he say the waxing scene was just a part of the movie, it’s not preparation
40 year old virgin is not a kids movie
the movie is called 40 year old virgin and its not for kids.
Wonder how many ppl have actually noticed the stormtrooper hitting his head lol
In the movie i obviously mean l!!!!
I never noticed it
@Hayden Vigil well there ya go
Gotta ask my son if he noticed..
My moms boyfriend noticed it! Also the same thing happens when Jango Fett is going into his ship in Attack of clones! You can even hear a thud lol
I watched it yesterday and didn’t even notice
Anybody would scream when they get wax,so no need to act🤣
And the one waxing him is not a professionnal. She wanted to be in the movie so she pretented to know what she was doing. He almost lost a nipple because she didn’t know you’re supposed to apply vaseline before waxing this area.
I don’t think the first one is true. I’m pretty sure they for real didn’t notice it untill it was too late to film it again.🤣
George Lucas added the ”bonk” sound effect in the 1997 Special Edition
Haha siiick
b o n k
And it’s become a running gag in stuff like Star Wars Rebels and Lego Star Wars.
For the star wars one it also happened in clone wars. It was Cpt Rex who did it and he even tell the remaining clone trooper to switch to night vision
Imagine screaming in pain and all your friends just starts laughing just because it’s funny
If i ever own a movie studio imma try to give the actors half of a script of the character, allow them to improvise and continue the script from that improvise
Then repeat
The Starbucks cup in GOT💀
The first one was even refferenced few times in the prequel trilogy, like when in clone wars captain rex hits his head badly because he didn’t see the porch through his helmet
The stormtrooper one is a good joke too cause it is used up the this day and was in the skywalker saga complete saga and many more
Oh wow. I never knew that about the Storm trooper. I mean, it’s only been mentioned for about 20-30 years everywhere
”In the scene where he breaks his spine this was not acting but the director thought it was so funny he kept it in the movie”
Ah, this still makes me laugh, even if I’ve seen it 1,000 times
#1: Not only that, but George actually added the *bonk* sfx in the special editions to make the accident more obvious
And the guy has a hair forest on his chest😂😂
I can’t imagine how much this must hurt😳😱💀
Did you know that in Ep 2 Attack of the clones, Jango hits his head entering the slave 1 after fighting obi-wan kenobi. It shows that there are still some clones in the galactic empire.